
What’s the Best Time to Drink Coffee?

The Best time to drink coffee is when Espresso Dave brews up espresso. Close-up of two espressos being prepared by Espresso Daves Coffee Catering. Tucker Finerty Photography

For many, coffee is the fuel that kick-starts the day. That first sip in the morning? Pure magic. But beyond the wake-up call, research shows that there is a best time to drink coffee and it can have real health benefits. From boosting brain function to supporting heart health, your morning brew does more than just keep you awake.

However, there’s a catch. Sipping coffee all day long isn’t doing your body any favors. Too much caffeine can lead to jitters, sleep issues, and even digestive discomfort. So, what’s the best time to drink coffee to get all the benefits without the downsides? Let’s break it down.

Morning Coffee: The Best Time to Drink Coffee for Health Benefits

Studies suggest that drinking coffee in the morning can help reduce inflammation, support heart health, and even lower the risk of type 2 diabetes. Coffee is packed with antioxidants and polyphenols—compounds that fight oxidative stress and may help prevent chronic diseases.

Beyond physical health, caffeine can boost mental performance. It improves focus, memory, and overall alertness. That’s why so many people feel sharper and more productive after their first cup. Plus, coffee can enhance mood by increasing dopamine levels, giving you that feel-good effect.

The Best Time to Drink Coffee to Avoid Sleep Disruptions

While a morning cup can be beneficial, drinking coffee later in the day can interfere with your sleep cycle. Caffeine stays in your system for hours, and studies show that consuming it even six hours before bedtime can reduce sleep quality. If you struggle with restlessness at night, experts recommend cutting off caffeine intake by early afternoon.

If you metabolize caffeine slowly, even a small amount in the afternoon can keep you tossing and turning. The best time to drink coffee is when it won’t interfere with your natural sleep rhythm—so enjoy your cup in the morning or right after lunch for the best balance of energy and rest.

Why Drinking Coffee All Day Isn’t a Good Idea

While a morning cup can be beneficial, drinking coffee throughout the day can lead to problems. Here’s what happens when you don’t pay attention to the best time to drink coffee:

  • Increased Anxiety & Jitters – Too much caffeine can overstimulate your nervous system, making you feel restless or on edge.
  • Heart Palpitations & High Blood Pressure – Caffeine temporarily raises heart rate and blood pressure, which can be risky for some people.
  • Stomach Discomfort – Coffee is acidic, which can irritate the stomach lining and contribute to acid reflux.
  • Sleep Problems – Caffeine blocks melatonin, the hormone that helps you sleep. Even a cup in the afternoon can interfere with your rest.

How to Enjoy Coffee Without Overdoing It

At Espresso Dave’s Coffee Catering, we serve coffee anytime—24/7—because we know every event is different. Whether it’s an early-morning corporate meeting, an afternoon wedding, or an evening celebration, we’re ready to bring the coffee experience to you. But just like every event is unique, so is how your body reacts to caffeine (and why we always offer decaf!)

Best Time to drink coffee is when one of Espresso DAves Coffee Catering baristas in a black uniform and black apron makes you a cappuccino in a glass mug. Capture the North Photography

To make the most of your daily coffee while avoiding the downsides, try these simple tips:

  • Stick to the Best Time to Drink Coffee – Enjoy your coffee in the morning to maximize benefits and avoid sleep disruptions.
  • Listen to Your Body – Some people can sip espresso at night and sleep like a baby, while others feel wired after a single afternoon cup. Know your caffeine limits.
  • Watch the Additives – Fancy coffee drinks loaded with sugar and syrups can counteract coffee’s health benefits. Try drinking it black or with minimal sweeteners. We always make your coffee to order!
  • Stay Hydrated – Coffee is a diuretic, so balance it with plenty of water throughout the day.

The Bottom Line: The Best Time to Drink Coffee Is in the Morning

The best time to drink coffee is in the morning, when it can help you stay alert, support heart health, and even improve your mood. But too much caffeine—especially later in the day—can lead to restlessness, sleep trouble, and other health issues. At Espresso Dave’s, we’re here to fuel your event anytime, but we always encourage listening to your body and enjoying coffee in a way that works best for you.

Further Reading

For more insights on the best time to drink coffee and how to enjoy it wisely, explore these resources:
    • Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health – Research on the health effects of caffeine consumption.
    • Sleep Foundation – Insights into how caffeine affects sleep and why consuming it too late can disrupt rest.
    • Mayo Clinic – Guidelines on safe caffeine consumption and potential health risks of excessive intake.
At Espresso Dave’s Coffee Catering, we serve coffee anytime, but we always encourage guests to enjoy it mindfully!

PC: Twin espressos by 
Barista Jessica by



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