The Newtown, Ct tragedy sparked non-stop discussion among Boston’s Espresso Dave’s Coffee Catering barista team. Collective sadness and shock turned into frustration leading us to wonder what could we do to showcase the positive side of the human spirit? The answer came earlier today via Twitter.

Twitterverse Reveals #26Acts
While monitoring our Twitterfeed this morning, we noticed the hashtag, #26Acts, taking flight. #26Acts, a concept first tweeted by NBC’s Ann Curry, is now a national campaign to have folks, like us, perform random acts of kindness to honor the memories of the 26 innocent adults and children who died in Friday’s horrific school shooting.

Even though this movement has gone viral, you don’t need a Twitter account to do random acts of kindness; nor do you need money. In our line of work, these acts might be as simple as listening to a guest who needs a sounding board after a tough meeting with his boss, or holding a door open for the grandmother-of-the-bride, or serving a steamy espresso to an event planner who needs a boost at midnight as guests depart.
Sometimes random kindness takes courage. It’s about stepping out of your comfort zone or meandering from your daily routine to think about someone other than yourself. It’s being human. If you need help, there’s a Wiki How To Guide to provide suggestions.
Random Acts of Coffee Kindness
Several years ago we posted easy ways to express your love of coffee AND make the world a better place. The gift suggestions might cost a few dollars, but the Espresso Dave’s Coffee Catering team believes these causes are worth your consideration.
#26Acts May Change the World
Let us know how you will honor the memories of those who lost their lives in Newtown. List your #26Acts in the comment section.